Sunday, May 5, 2013

[ Special Event ] 03.05.13 Pakatan Rakyat Rally @ Esplanade, Penang

  Pakatan Rakyat had held a rally in Esplanade, Penang on the 3rd of May 2013, which attracted about One Hundred and Twenty Thousand people to gathered here. 
supporters sat down on the field and listen to the speech 

supporters are listening to the speech of Chief Minister

the chief minister went out from the field after his speech, shocking hands with his supporters 

 supporters are enjoying their night at the Esplanade

The rally ended peacefully.

General Info: 

Organiser : Pakatan Rakyat ( DAP, PKR, PAS )
Attendance : approximately 120 000
Donations Obtained : RM 587 168 . 50

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